Kate Furman: jeweler, metal-smith, kayaker, and world traveler.
Born and raised in Columbia, SC, this up and coming artist is taking the world by storm, and giving the South one more thing to be proud of. Kate creates drool worthy, one of a kind pieces of jewelry, in series, using a range of materials from driftwood and Swarovski Crystals, to gold leaf and pearls. She confidently mixes media and allows found objects to sing with sophistication. Ornamental Habit got with Kate to chat about her new work, her road to success, and what keeps her inspired.
Kate and I bonded over our love for the outdoors (we are both NOLS grads). As you can see, that love for the natural has presented itself most fantastically in her perfectly balanced and beautiful pieces. Enjoy!
"Hey Kate! Would you answer a few questions?"
OH: How did you become interested in Jewelry Design?
KF: During High School in Greenville, SC, I attended the
Fine Arts Center for my first jewelry and metal smithing class. Loving the idea that I could make wearable art, I continued studying jewelry in college (Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia).
OH: How would you describe your aesthetic?
KF: Material study interests me, and currently I am working with wood. My work is often minimal and simple with an overall quiet tone. Usually, I work in series allowing pieces to develop through my intuition and processes.
OH: Do you have a favorite piece?
KF: Although I do not have a favorite piece, my most pivotal point as an artist came with my
Lines of a City series. My methods of working and materials changed at that point and still influence my work today.
OH: What Inspires you?
KF: Currently, my inspirations come from my interest in drawing, line, mark-making, and the natural world.
OH: What sets you apart from other designers in your opinion?
KF: Coming from a fine arts background, I think past the conventions of jewelry, and make unique, well crafted pieces.
OH: Who do you admire in your field, past or present?
KF: Manfred Bischoff, Flora Vagi, Beppe Kessler, Terhi Tolvanen, and Iris Bodemer are a few of the many contemporary jewelers that I admire and look to for inspiration.
OH: Thank you Kate!
Having studied with the likes of
Tracy Steepy,
Lola Brooks,
Rob Jackson, and
Mary Pearse, and gained international experience in Florence, Italy (at the
Alchimia School), Costa Rica, Ecuador, the Galapagos Istalands, and Cuba (with UGA Study Abroad), Kate's experience has been diverse and challenging. She is currently pursuing her Master of Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).