

I haven't posted in a week, wow.  That is such bad blogging of me.  A few things: my computer crashed (I still haven't reloaded photoshop onto my laptop and it is crazy to see how much I depend on it!), one of my best friends got married, another best friend had a baby shower (what! I'm old enough to go to baby showers?) there was an earth quake AND a hurricane in NYC, and it is my last week at my job, yikes!  I was in Texas this past weekend and feel so full of Texas love.  Getting a home town recharge is about the best thing for you when facing huge challenges and changes.  I feel renewed in spirit and faith and can't wait to get on with it already! It was so nice to catch up with friends, family, and pets, and I now feel ready to take on the world...

Thank you to Sarah Lampinen for tipping me off about this talented artist... I LOVE this kind of thing! Yarn art. Awesome. Read more about the artist, Thomas C. Chung, here, and see below for my favorites.

Have a great week people!

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