

I rounded up a few AMAZINGLY RAD cards this year for Valentine's Day. Found'em at Ferdinand, the cool little shop here on Portland's Munjoy Hill.  I'm so excited! Don't you just love Valentine's day? My family has always been big celebrators of this holiday... Chocolate chip pancakes, homemade valentines, candy, pink outfit, the whole shebang.  So here is this year's loot, part one... Part two, and a post party wrap to come later this week.
I am currently obsessed with art tape.  I went to Rock Paper Scissors in Wiscasset to get one roll, and I walked away with seven, and the origami paper for more crafting, and the useless little gold arrow patches that I absolutely HAD to have (aren't they fabulous).  I'll find something great to do with them I'm sure... if only just to look at them every once and a while.
Anyway, I hope you and your sweetie have a lovely day, and if you ain't got a sweetie, go out and party please. Happy Vday y'all! I friggin love you.


  1. I remember one year you and Helen got red Kate Spade bags from your mom when y'all were still pretty little! I was so jealous; I thought it was the sweetest and best Valentine a girl could receive!

    1. YES! So amazing... RED ones to be exact. Im still hanging on to it, it is just so fabulous.


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